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Moonshell 3DS

If you’ve browsed the internet for R4 3DS cards, you may have come across a common feature in all of them: Moonshell support.

You’re probably wondering, “what is Moonshell and why do I see it frequently on different R4 3DS cards’ features?”

Well, I am glad you asked that question because, in this article, we will explore what Moonshell really is and why it is one of the most popular homebrew applications for the Nintendo 3DS.

Moonshell (or Moonshell 2) is a popular media application for the Nintendo 3DS. Obviously, you will need an R4 3DS card for this to work. Basically, what Moonshell does is it allows you to play a variety of media on your Nintendo 3DS console.

Here are all of the features that are present in Moonshell:

  • Music Formats: MP1, MP2, MP3, OGG, WAV, M4A, AAC, WMA, TTA, MID, RCP, R36

  • DPG encoded video

  • MOD formats: MOD, IT, MTM, S3M, XM, 669, MED, STM, AMF, GDM, ULT, UNI, ASY, IMF, OKT, STX

  • Chiptune formats: SPC, NSF, GBS, HES, AY, SAP, KSS

  • Playlist formats: M3U, WPL

  • Picture formats: JPG, BMP, GIF (non-animated), PNG, PSD

  • Text Files

Moonshell 2 supports a variety of media from videos to music, heck, it can even support reading text files and pictures.

This popular homebrew application is now one of the most installed applications on the Nintendo 3DS console.

Now that you know what Moonshell, you’re probably wondering how you can get a hold of its features.

Well, I am going to tell you how you can get the Moonshell up and running on your Nintendo 3DS. Here are the things you must do:

  1. First and foremost, you have to get an R4 3DS card with Moonshell support. Well, it wouldn’t be hard to you now since Moonshell support is probably on every R4 3DS card on the market. You can buy the tried and tested Gateway3DS as it will surely have Moonshell support.

  2. Download the Moonshell application package from their official website. The installer package will be compressed in a .zip file so just extract all of its contents.

  3. Use the DLDI patcher to patch the installer package (DLDI patching is necessary to have the Moonshell application work on your 3DS).

  4. After extracting and patching all of the files in the installer package, plug in your microsD adapter into your PC and place the “moonshl2” folder on the root folder of your microSD. You can also place the moonshl2.nds file on the root of your microSD card for easy access.

  5. Plug your microSD card on your R4 3DS card and insert it into your Nintendo 3DS. Turn on your Nintendo 3DS, and upon reaching the menu, you will be prompted to install Moonshell.

  6. After installing Moonshell, you will then be prompted if you want to change the language. If your native language is not English, then accept the offer and change the language as you see fit.

That’s pretty much it! You’ve now installed Moonshell on your Nintendo 3DS console.

Included in the Moonshell installer package is a Moonshell media converter. If you have media files that are not normally supported by Moonshell, you can use the included software to convert it for free.

I hope this article has answered your question about the Moonshell 3DS application. To enjoy Moonshell, go buy yourself an R4 3DS card.